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Shop owner spins idea into new  fiber-mill business

Daily Record/Sunday News

Updated:   03/04/2012 11:35:47 PM EST


Heather Sweitzer stands on a stool Saturday to load roving -- animal fibers that have been picked and carded -- onto the spinner and plier machine, which will spin the fiber into single-ply yarn at the fiber mill she opened in the fall with her husband, Jason, and Jason's cousin D.J. Wilt. The mill is located near her store, Sweitzer's Countryside Yarn Shop in Springfield Township. (Daily Record/Sunday News - Chris Dunn)




Sponsor Post: The Knitting Boutique Animal Luxury Fiber Club


We’re Not Quite Spinning Fiber into Gold, but Close. Receive a luxury yarn kit every other month from January through November of 2014.  Each kit will feature an approximate 4-ounce skein of The Knitting Boutique’s exclusive hand-dyed yarns, plus a pattern designed for The Knitting Boutique by Heather Zoppetti and Tanis Gray.  Blends will include:  Baby Camel, Yak, Angora, Cashmere, Alpaca and Silk. 

To be a part of the yarn club for the full year, sign up by December 31. The six-month subscription is $220 plus shipping.  Pay a one-time fee or in four easy installments of $55.  Visit website for details or call us at 410.553.0433.


Posted by Homespun Yarn Party


The Knitting Boutique Introduces New Yarn Line


The Knitting Boutique, located in Glen Burnie, Md., has combined forces with Sweitzer Mill Farm in Seven Valleys, Pa., to develop a new yarn line exclusive to the Boutique.



The new yarn line consists of five different blends of yarn, all named after Maryland Rivers. We’re introducing the Patapsco, Susquehanna, Monocacy, Severn, and Sassafrass yarns across the country
through our website

Sweitzer Mill, owned by Jason and Heather Sweizter, rests among rolling hills on a 132-­acre farm. Heather is excited by the partnership with The Knitting Boutique and combining Maryland’s hospitality and Pennsylvania beauty.

“We make the yarn for each individual customer, but my goal is to not let it leave this mill until it is a yarn that I would like to have for myself,” said Heather. “Our mission is to create high-­quality products. We promise each customer that his or her fiber gets the individual attention it deserves.”

© 2013 Sweitzer's Countryside Fiber Mill LLC. All rights reserved

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